Dinus Game Dev Lab merupakan aplikasi yang berfokus pada informasi seputar Lab Game dan Juga Lab Sistem Cerdas,Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang yang mengarah pada pengembangan di bidang Game Development dan juga Intelligent Research dengan konsep :
▪ Solusi atas masalah-masalah yang sulit diselesaikan dengan metode tradisional dengan perancangan perangkat lunak cerdas.
▪ Pengembangan Game Vr dan Ar sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar
▪ Representasi pengetahuan, mekanisme pemecahan masalah dan metode learning.
Dinus Game Dev Lab juga menampilkan informasi tentang :
1. Penelitian (Topik Riset , Highlight ,Partner&Kerjasama, Poster Penelitian dan Product)
2. Anggota (Dosen dan Staff)
3. Informasi (Berita, Kompetisi , Seminar & Call For Paper, serta Workshop)
4. Tentang (Artikel Ilmiah, Audio/Video, Buku, Jurnal, dan Tools)
Selain itu untuk bidang kajian Intelligent Research mempunyai 5 bidang penelitian sebagai berikut :
1. Biometric, Image Processing & Computer Vision
2. Knowledge discovery in database & information retrieval
3. Computational Intelligence & Fuzzy Logic
4. Signal, Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis & Natural Language Processing
5. Adaptive Game AI
Dinus Game Dev Lab is an application that focuses on information about the Game Lab and also the Intelligent System Lab, Faculty of Computer Science, Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang which leads to the development in the field of Game Development and also Intelligent Research with the concepts:
▪ Solutions to problems that are difficult to solve by traditional methods with intelligent software design.
▪ Development of Game Vr and Ar in accordance with market needs
▪ Knowledge representation, problem solving mechanisms and learning methods.
Dinus Game Dev Lab also displays information about:
1. Research (Research Topics, Highlights, Partners & Collaboration, Research Posters and Products)
2. Members (Lecturers and Staff)
3. Information (News, Competitions, Seminars & Call For Papers, and Workshops)
4. About (Scientific Articles, Audio / Video, Books, Journals, and Tools)
In addition to the field of study Intelligent Research has 5 research fields as follows:
1. Biometric, Image Processing & Computer Vision
2. Knowledge discovery in database & information retrieval
3. Computational Intelligence & Fuzzy Logic
4. Signal, Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis & Natural Language Processing
5. Adaptive Game AI